Corporate Governance
Code of Conducts

The Code of Conduct is a set of Company rules that explain the values and standard business rules that serve as guidelines for employees to work by prioritizing aspects of integrity, order, and discipline which are realized to prevent fraud by all Company personnel.


Business Ethics

  • The Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and employees of the Company are prohibited from offering or providing anything, either directly or indirectly to other parties to influence the decision making related to financing transactions and/or other operational activities of the Company, in violation of the prevailing laws and regulations.
  • The Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and employees of the Company are prohibited from receiving anything for its own personal interest in violation of the prevailing statutory provisions, whether direct or indirect, from any person, which may affect decision making related to financing transactions and/or other operational activities of the Company.


Corporate Ethics

The scope of the Company’s business ethics must include efforts to encourage the development of the following items which include, but are not limited to:

  • Commitment: The Company commits itself to uphold and enforce high ethical standards at every level of the Company.
  • Competence: The Company must build and hone competence in carrying out its business activities.
  • Compliance: The Company implements a compliance system to enforce the Company’s ethical standards in which the Company’s employees are required to comply with applicable Company regulations.
  • Communication: The Company applies a communication mechanism regarding clear and sustainable business ethics to build a high ethical culture within the Company.
  • Consistency: The Company operates a mechanism of rewards and sanctions for actions involving clear, fair, and consistent ethics.
  • Control: The Company implements effective monitoring and control system to identify ethical violations and to prevent the occurrence of such ethical violations.
  • Pioneering: The Company appreciates the officer/employee who acts as a pioneer in the enforcement of high ethical standards The provisions related to Business Ethics and Company Ethics above apply to all Company personnel without exception.


Code of Conduct Socialization and Enforcement Efforts

The Company socializes the Code of Conduct through the employee Integrity Pact every year, and all employees are committed to implementing the Integrity Pact as well as possible.

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DKI Jakarta 12940
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