About Us
Supporting Institutions

Capital Market Supporting Institutions and Professions of JACCS MPM Finance Indonesia

Public Accountant

KAP Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan

(a member Firm of KPMG International)

Wisma GKBI, Lantai 33/33rd Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28

Jakarta 10210 – Indonesia

Tel. : (62 21) 5742333

Fax.: (62 21) 5741777


Service Provided :

Conducting audits based on the Audit Standards established by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants. This standard requires the Public Accountant to plan and carry out the audit in order to obtain adequate confidence that the financial statement is free from material misstatements. The Public Accountant is responsible for opinions given on the audited financial statement. The Public Accountant’s duties involve checking on the basis of testing the evidence that supports the numbers and disclosures in the financial statement.


PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

Divisi Investment Services

Bagian Trust & Corporate Services

Gedung BRI II Lantai 30/30th Floor

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.44-46

Jakarta 10210 – Indonesia


Service provided:

Representing the interests of Bondholders both inside and outside the court regarding the implementation of the rights of the Bondholders in accordance with the conditions of the Bonds, by taking into account the provisions contained in the Trustee Agreement and applicable laws and regulations.

Rating Agency

Fitch Ratings Indonesia

DBS Bank Tower Lantai 24/24th Floor

Suite 2403, Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Kav. 3-5

Kuningan – Karet Kuningan

Jakarta 12940 – Indonesia

Tel. : (62 21) 29886800


Service provided:

Provides credit risk ratings in an objective,

independent, and accountable manner

in the issuance of debt securities to the

general public.


Mala Mukti, S.H., LL.M

AXA Tower Lantai 27/27th Floor Suite 06

Jl. Prof Dr. Satrio Kav. 18 Kuningan

Jakarta 12940 – Indonesia


Service provided:

Preparing the necessary deeds for Bond Public Offering, including the Trustee Agreement, Recognition of Debt and Securities Agreement, and the deed of amendments.

Legal Consultant

Imran Muntaz & Co Law Firm

Office 8 Building Lantai 35/35th Floor Zona G

Sudirman Central Business District Lot. 28

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53

Jakarta 12190 – Indonesia


Service Provided:

Providing Legal Opinions regarding the Company in the context of Public Offering. The Legal Consultant conducts due diligence in terms of the legal aspects of the Company and other information related to it disclosed by the Company. The results of the examination and research have been published in the Legal Due Diligence Report which is the basis of the Legal Opinion which are contained in additional information as long as it concerns the legal aspect. Another task is to examine the information contained in the Additional Information as far as it is concerning the legal aspect.

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PT JACCS Mitra Pinasthika Mustika Finance Indonesia
Gedung Lippo Kuningan Lantai 25,
Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Kav B-12
Karet Kuningan Kota Jakarta Selatan,
DKI Jakarta 12940
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